Stone Dragon
Our Logo – a ceramic mosaic Dragon from Bai Dinh cave in Ninh Binh

This site was started as a remedy to the numerous lock downs and border closures during the pandemic years. As they say, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade and creating a tourist site to a place that at the time and to all intents and purposes was barred to tourism seemed a little misdirected. However, like many of the cataclysmic events in Ninh Binh’s long history, we persevered and are happy to see Ninh Binh once again thriving and able to share its beauty and secrets to the world.

Overcoming the Odds

In short, we choose to believe in a future where once again this stunning country would be open to appreciation by all comers. Now that time has come we hope our efforts weren’t wasted and Discover Ninh Binh will give you a deeper, more comprehensive knowledge of this jewel in Vietnam’s crown.

There were some practical difficulties to overcome first. One half of the production team was unable to return to Vietnam while in Vietnam itself, many of the attractions were closed down or refusing visitors. Rolling travel restrictions became a way of life. Persevering, with considerable expense and effort, eventually we gained access to each site we mention and so confirm or deny third party reports and representations. Once the restrictions were lifted, we visited most sites again, just to make sure the information was up to date.


It was a difficult time for all and although we made the website “live”, there are no doubt still many places to visit and stories to tell. Ninh Binh has a history as old as Vietnam itself and if we haven’t included all the many faceted jewels that the province has to offer, feel free to send us your ideas and updates.

Much of the design and editorial work was performed by the Australian team while research, translations and corrections were on the Vietnamese side. However, at all times it has been a collaborative effort and the various roles were fluid according to need, interest and opportunity.  And friendship.

So a big chào mừng đén với website của chúng tôi from all of us here at Discover Ninh Binh!

Note: As of April 2023, Vietnam is again open to international tourism. However, travel restrictions and advisories may be in place and can affect the timing and feasibility of travel to Ninh Binh or Vietnam in general. Travelers should always check the latest information and guidelines from the government and health authorities before planning a trip.