Even in the most idyllic locations, real life tasks and services such as laundry, haircuts, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, phone repairs, mechanics, jewellers and dressmakers from time become a necessity. As a lively, modern city, Ninh Binh caters for most of these needs but trying to find them sometimes can get frustrating.
A lot of the issues are going to be with finding the right words to locate what you need – Vietnamese is a phonetic language and does not come easily to most foreigners. Even with translators and helpful guides, it is helps to have a clear idea of what you are looking for and a rough location of where you are likely to find it.
This section leaves behind the adventure and scenic beauty of Ninh Binh for a moment to focus on some of the services and people who maybe able to assist you with both the mundane and emergency needs you might encounter.
You should also be aware that many of the services will have Zalo (a Vietnamese social media app), WhatsApp or similar. Not only are they free and allow contact without needing a Vietnamese phone number, the chat functions are easily translated (via a translator app) which can help communication no end.
note: We have no affiliation with any of the services listed below. The list is provided in assistance not as recommendations and we can have no influence on your experience with any individual organisations. English ability will vary between services and staff. Google translator can help but speak slowly and politely and specific to the service you are after.
Ninh Binh City Police:
- Immigration guide police: 0692860558
- Ninh Binh city police: 02293871071
Ninh Binh Provincial Police ( Công an Tình Ninh Bình )
- Address: Ðinh Tất Miễn Street, Ðông Thành Ward, Ninh Binh City
- Phone: 0229.3871097
- Email: canb@ninhbinh.gov.vn
- Website: http://congan.ninhbinh.gov.vn/danh-ba-dien-thoai/
- Opening Hours: 8:30 am to 11:30 am (morning) and 13: 30 am to 4:00 pm (afternoon) Mon-Fri and morning only on Saturdays.
Vietcombank Ninh Binh
- Address: 1069 Tran Hung Dao, Street 14, Van Giang Ward, City. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh Province
- Phone: 0229.3894444
- Fax: 0229.3894446
- Trading hours: Monday to Friday: Morning from 7:30 to 11:30 Afternoon from 13:00 to 16:30.
- Website : https://portal.vietcombank.com.vn/Pages/Home.aspx
MB Bank Ninh Binh Branch
- Address: No. 1112 Tran Hung Dao Street, Phuc Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh City, Ninh Binh Province, Vietnam.
- Trading hours: Monday to Friday: 7:30am – 5:30pm Saturday: 8am – 12pm
- Phone: 02296.258.866
- Fax: 02296.258,686
- website address : https://mbbank.com.vn/
Techcombank Ninh Binh Branch
- Address: 848 Trần Hưng Đạo, Tân Thành, Ninh Bình, Vietnam
- Trading hours: Monday to Friday: 7:00am – 5:00pm Saturday: 7am – 12pm
- Hotline: 0229 3888369
- website address: https://techcombank.com/en
Ninh Binh Provincial General Hospital ( Benh Vien Ða Khoa tình Ninh Bình )
- Address: Tue Tĩnh Street – Nam Thành Ward – Ninh Binh City
- Phone: 02293.871.1030
- Fax: 02293.871.1030
- Website: http://www.benhvienninhbinh.vn/lien-he
City Health Center Ninh Binh
- Address: Trần Phú, Thanh bình, Ninh Bình ·
- Phone: +84 229 3871 152
- Website: n/a
Surgical Clinic 35 (Phòng Khám Ngoai Khoa 35)
- Address: 109 Phan Chu Trinh, Phố Phúc Trì, Ninh Bình, Vietnam
- Phone: 091 682 42 69
- Website: https://benhtri35.com/
An Sinh Clinic (Phòng Khám da Khoa An Sinh)
- Address: No. 254 – Lê Thái Tổ Street – Nam Thành Ward – Ninh Binh City
- Hotline : 0974.970.296 / 0943.487.069
Ninh Binh City Medical Center ( Trung tâm y te TP Ninh Bình)
- Address: Phúc Trung Street – Phúc Thành Ward – Ninh Binh City
- Phone: 0229.871.152
- Website: http://soyte.ninhbinh.gov.vn/soyte-ninhbinh/1217/27199/38886/66432/ttyt-tp-ninh-binh/thong-tin-trung-tam-y-te-thanh-pho-ninh-binh.aspx
Hanoi- Hoa Lu Clinic ( Phòng Khám Hoa Lu – Hà Noi)
- Address: 44 Tuệ Tĩnh, Nam Thanh Ward, Ninh Binh City.
- Phone: 02293.893,212
- Website: http://phongkhamhoaluhanoi.com
Polyclinic: Ninh Binh – Hanoi ( Phòng Khám da Khoa Ninh Bình – Hà Noi)
- Address: 40 Tuệ Tĩnh, Phúc Chỉnh 2 Street, Nam Thành Ward, City. Ninh Binh.
- Phone: 0229 3866 868
- Email: pkdkninhbinhhanoi40@gmail.com
Dr Thuan & Cong Su
- Address: No. 94 – Vân Giang Street – Vân Giang Ward – TP Ninh Binh
- Phone: 0229 3610 222 – 0912 869 838
Family Dental Clinic Ninh Binh
- Address: 257 Hai Thuong Lan Ong Street, TP. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh
- Phone: 0352 365 555
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/Nha-Khoa-Family-Ninh-Bình-104732834405604/
NBI Dental Clinic
- Address: 68 Tuệ Tĩnh, Nam Thành Ward, TP Ninh Binh
- Phone: 0966.66.35.35
- Website: https://nbidental.com/
Thuy Tien Dental Clinic
- Address: 992 Tran Hung Dao, Phuc Thanh, TP. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh
- Phone: 0984 999 012
- Website: https://www.facebook.com/nhakhoathuytien/
Long Châu Pharmacy
note: this is one of the largest pharmaceutical chains in Vietnam. They have many branches, an online presence and will do home deliveries.
Addresses in Ninh Binh city:
- Facility 1: 16-18 Hải Thượng Lãn Ông, Phúc Thành Ward, City. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh Province
- Facility 2: 1052 Trần Hưng Đjao, Phúc Thành Ward, City. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh Province
- Facility 3: 178 Vân Giang, Vân Giang Ward, City. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh Province
- Facility 4: 245 Nguyễn Công Trứ, Ward Thanh Binh, City. Ninh Binh, Ninh Binh Province
- Hotline: 1800 6928 – then press 1 to purchase, and 2 to advise and complain
- Website: https://www.nhathuoclongchau.com
- There is also an app called: Long Chau, available on their website
Note: There are many pharmacies in Ninh Binh, ranging from small family run enterprises to national chains like Pharmacity and Guardian. Just be aware that the dispensaries can be quite strict and require a prescription or proof of overseas purchase, especially for any of the “harder” medicines like stimulants or pain killers.
For transportation needs, please visit our logistics page